Bylaw ID34
BodyThe mandatory quarterly billing of the Rotary Club of Buckhead (Atlanta) includes Membership dues of $151, meal expenses of $174, and the mandatory charitable contributions of $100 to the Club’s charities and $25 to the Rotary International Foundation. The Fire and Police officers listed in Article 13 shall not be charged for any of these items.The individual Member is personally responsible for the prompt payment of the billing. New Members of the Club who are new to Rotary pay an initiation fee of $750 before their induction. New Members are invited to attend the Annual District Conference during their first year at Club expense up to a maximum of $750. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a New Member of the Club who is

1. a former or transferring Rotarian in good standing from this or another Club, or
2. a former member of Rotaract (within the prior two years), or
3. under the age of thirty-five
4. the current Commander of Atlanta’s Fire Battalion 2, or
5. the currant Commander of the Atlanta Police Zone 2

is not required to pay an initiation fee, and is not entitled to any District Conference expense reimbursement. As provided in the "Fees, Dues and Contributions" Article 6, all of the aforesaid amounts may be revised from time to time by the Board.
NoteAmount of dues updated by 3% on May 15, 2017 from $147 to $151 effective with the first quarter of RY 2017-18. Meal expenses were not increased and remained at $174

The bylaws were amended in December 2017 to clarify that new members not required to pay an initiation fee were not limited to those between ages 30 and 35, but to anyone under the age of 35.
Rev Date2018-05-21 00:00:00