Laws of Life Essay Contest

The Georgia Rotary Clubs Laws of Life Essay Contest challenges high school students to select a “law of life,” that focuses on an important character value, and to write an essay showing how that value applies to their lives. The contest encourages the development of good character and promotes advanced literacy skills in Georgia teenagers.

As a signature program of Georgia Rotary Clubs, the Laws of Life Essay Contest, chaired by Susan Mason of Buckhead Rotary, reaches more students than any other Rotary program in our state. Approximately 40,000 students write a Laws of Life essay each year. For most of those students – and their teachers and parents – the Laws of Life contest is their first and most lasting impression of Rotary. The contest permanently links Rotary with high ethical standards and marks Rotary as a service organization that cares about community, education, and youth.

The Buckhead Rotary Club served as Presenting Sponsor of the 2015-2016 contest, providing financial support, volunteer hours, and volunteer expertise. As a major sponsor, the club made it possible for local Atlanta high schools and for other schools throughout the state to participate in this worthwhile, Rotary-branded program. Tens of thousands of teenagers were able to reflect on and articulate the principles that make their lives meaningful, and to share their stories with others.

As a sponsor of the Laws of Life program, the club also promoted Rotary through local and statewide publicity, and contributed to the future of Rotary.