Bookkeeper Bylaws

ArticleDuties of Officers

The Board may retain a bookkeeper to maintain the club's books of account, and other assigned duties, all in conformance with Article 2, Section 3 of these By Laws. The Bookkeeper's duties include assuring that any required checks are promptly requested from the Treasurer who will prepare, sign, and mail them; keeping the membership and attendance records and respond to members questions; sending out notices of Club and Board meetings; reporting as required to Rotary International, including the semi annual reports of membership and January 1 and July 1 of each year, including the calculation of per capita dues for all members and prorata dues for Active members who have been elected to membership in the club since the start of the July or January semiannual reporting period; reporting changes in membership; provide the monthly attendance report which must be made to the District Governor within 15 days of the last meeting of the month; and posting all required information to the web site. The bookkeeper will also manage subscriptions to the Rotary International official magazine; and perform other non-fiscal, clerical functions as may be assigned by the Board from time to time.

NoteApproved at the April 13,2015 board meeting. Entered by J Dykes acting for C MacKenzie, Club Secretary.
UserJohn Dykes
Revision DateApr 19, 2015

Change History

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
IDChanged ByRev DateHeadBodyChangesNote 
20John DykesApr 19, 2015BookkeeperThe Board may retain a bookkeeper to maintain the club's books of account, and other assigned duties, all in conformance with Article 2, Section 2 of these By Laws. The Bookkeeper's duties include assuring that any required checks are promptly requested from the Treasurer who will prepare, sign, and mail them; keeping the membership and attendance records and respond to members questions; sending out notices of Club and Board meetings; reporting as required to Rotary International, including the semi annual reports of membership and January 1 and July 1 of each year, including the calculation of per capita dues for all members and prorata dues for Active members who have been elected to membership in the club since the start of the July or January semiannual reporting period; reporting changes in membership; provide the monthly attendance report which must be made to the District Governor within 15 days of the last meeting of the month; and posting all required information to the web site. The bookkeeper will also manage subvscriptions to thje Rotary Onternational official magazine; and perform other non-fiscal, clerical functions as may be assigner by the Board from timt e to time.Approved at the April 13,2015 board meeting. Entered by J Dykes acting for C MacKenzie, Club Secretary.
21John DykesApr 19, 2015BookkeeperThe Board may retain a bookkeeper to maintain the club's books of account, and other assigned duties, all in conformance with Article 2, Section 3 of these By Laws. The Bookkeeper's duties include assuring that any required checks are promptly requested from the Treasurer who will prepare, sign, and mail them; keeping the membership and attendance records and respond to members questions; sending out notices of Club and Board meetings; reporting as required to Rotary International, including the semi annual reports of membership and January 1 and July 1 of each year, including the calculation of per capita dues for all members and prorata dues for Active members who have been elected to membership in the club since the start of the July or January semiannual reporting period; reporting changes in membership; provide the monthly attendance report which must be made to the District Governor within 15 days of the last meeting of the month; and posting all required information to the web site. The bookkeeper will also manage subvscriptions to thje Rotary Onternational official magazine; and perform other non-fiscal, clerical functions as may be assigner by the Board from timt e to time.Approved at the April 13,2015 board meeting. Entered by J Dykes acting for C MacKenzie, Club Secretary.
22John DykesApr 19, 2015BookkeeperThe Board may retain a bookkeeper to maintain the club's books of account, and other assigned duties, all in conformance with Article 2, Section 3 of these By Laws. The Bookkeeper's duties include assuring that any required checks are promptly requested from the Treasurer who will prepare, sign, and mail them; keeping the membership and attendance records and respond to members questions; sending out notices of Club and Board meetings; reporting as required to Rotary International, including the semi annual reports of membership and January 1 and July 1 of each year, including the calculation of per capita dues for all members and prorata dues for Active members who have been elected to membership in the club since the start of the July or January semiannual reporting period; reporting changes in membership; provide the monthly attendance report which must be made to the District Governor within 15 days of the last meeting of the month; and posting all required information to the web site. The bookkeeper will also manage subscriptions to the Rotary International official magazine; and perform other non-fiscal, clerical functions as may be assigner by the Board from timt e to time.Approved at the April 13,2015 board meeting. Entered by J Dykes acting for C MacKenzie, Club Secretary.