GRSP Students Pack Meals, Create Service Project Plans at Leadership Weekend

The Rotary Club of Dunwoody recently hosted the 20th GRSP Leadership weekend. The students packed more than 10,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger on Friday - and even helped with all the set-up this year - normally a Rotarian task! In Saturday workshops, they learned about courageous leadership and were challenged to think now about what they'd like their legacy to be and take action. And on Sunday, they awed us with service project plans in the Shark Tank workshop led by the Rotaract Club of Atlanta. We awarded a $1,000 grant for a project to encourage more recycling in Zimbabwe - created by a team from all over the world.

Thanks to Rotarians from the Rotary Clubs of Atlanta Metro, Gainesville, Gwinnett, Buckhead and Roswell, and to the Rotaract Club of Atlanta for their support of this GRSP weekend - as volunteers, host families and more. We hope the tradition continues for a long time to come. 

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
March 6, 2023


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