First Responders Cookout - Atlanta Fire Rescue Department Add To My Calendar


Rotary Club of Buckhead

November 15, 2024 10:30 am— 2:00 pm

First Responders are critical to our quality of life here in Buckhead and they often are not recognized or appreciated enough for the work they do to keep us all safe. Please join us in celebrating our Buckhead Fire Fighters with a cookout and some fellowship.

       November 15 - Atlanta Fire Rescue - Fire Station 3- 800 Longleaf Drive 10:30am - 2pm

We will need about 10 volunteers to set up, cook and serve food and break down for each event. If you would like to join as a social butterfly rather than a worker bee you can do that too! You also don't have to stay for the whole event if you can't spare that amount of time - come for whatever you can.


Rotarian $0.00