RYLA Update
Why I Love RYLA

The time for RYLA is finally here!! RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) is a summer camp that aims to give our District 6900 teenagers the opportunity to build their leadership skills. You can read more about it at www.RYLA6900.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram.

If you know me, you know that RYLA is something that I am 110% passionate about. RYLA is my jam. Here are just a few (of the many) things I love about RYLA:

1.      The Students – so many different personalities and talents from all over! From the valedictorian to the kid who sits in the back of the class, from the team captain to the one who hardly ever speaks out loud… all leaders in their own special way. RYLA helps them discover themselves and how they can make contributions as leaders at school, at home, and in their communities.

2.     The Experience – wide open high energy tempered with engaging conversations and deep thoughts… Team building activities, personal learning activities, group games, a talent show, a dance. RYLA keeps you moving all day, but it’s so much fun you don’t notice or mind. It’s all building to positive impact that will last far beyond our 5 days together.

3.     The Growth – RYLA is designed to challenge you, but it allows ample opportunity to rise to each challenge. The quiet student will find a voice. The timid student will find confidence. The “talker” will learn to listen. The “I’ll do it myself” student will let others take a turn. The one who always “knows the right way” will accept advice. It’s amazing to see each student evolve from Day 1 to Day 5.

4.     The Ah-Ha Moment – the most rewarding moment at RYLA. When a student realizes that they CAN in a situation where they always thought they never stood a chance. Whether it be expressing a thought, offer the correct solution, trusting a teammate, accomplishing a task, or even just singing a song – RYLA is full of these little moments when you see a student smile a little bigger or stand a little taller because they did it. This is why we do RYLA.The Ah-Ha Moment – the most rewarding moment at RYLA. When a student realizes that they CAN in a situation where they always thought they never stood a chance. Whether it be expressing a thought, offer the correct solution, trusting a teammate, accomplishing a task, or even just singing a song – RYLA is full of these little moments when you see a student smile a little bigger or stand a little taller because they did it. This is why we do RYLA.

5.     The Family – this applies to the students and the staff alike, and the bonds forged in just 5 short days are incredibly strong. The students – who 99% probably did Not want to be at RYLA to begin with – find themselves with 100 new best friends and they don’t want to leave… Many of them stay in touch and find ways to meet up and hang out even after RYLA is finished. For the staff, RYLA is the only few days we’ll get to be together each year so we try to squeeze the most fun and togetherness out of it as we can. We come from all walks of life, from different backgrounds and locations across the globe, but we have RYLA in common. My RYLA Family is the family I didn’t know I needed but that I could never do without – I know that they back me up 100% for anything I may ever need, and I know I would do the same for them.The Family – this applies to the students and the staff alike, and the bonds forged in just 5 short days are incredibly strong. The students – who 99% probably did Not want to be at RYLA to begin with – find themselves with 100 new best friends and they don’t want to leave… Many of them stay in touch and find ways to meet up and hang out even after RYLA is finished. For the staff, RYLA is the only few days we’ll get to be together each year so we try to squeeze the most fun and togetherness out of it as we can. We come from all walks of life, from different backgrounds and locations across the globe, but we have RYLA in common. My RYLA Family is the family I didn’t know I needed but that I could never do without – I know that they back me up 100% for anything I may ever need, and I know I would do the same for them. 

I love RYLA. I thank my lucky Rotary stars every day that I can be part of this program. If you are intrigued and want to experience the RYLA phenomenon for yourself, I encourage you to reach out. If you have a heart for young leaders and you want to make a difference, RYLA is where it’s at. We are always in need of help, and if you can give us just one day I promise we will make it worth your time.

Posted by Jaclyn Donovan
June 3, 2024


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